Tennessee Life Insurance

Compare personalized life insurance rates in Tennessee

Life Insurance in Tennessee

Your investment in life insurance in Tennessee can be the best way for you to reduce risks to your family if you, as the breadwinner, were to die unexpectedly. When you are buying a life insurance policy, such as whole or term life insurance, Tennessee residents will find a large range of options to choose from with numerous companies available. Yet, if you want cheap life insurance or just the ability to compare life insurance plans in Tennessee to each other, you need some help. Here’s the support you need.

Tennessee Life Insurance Quotes

The biggest fact to remember is that every person will get a different quote for life insurance costs. That is because Tennessee life insurance quotes are based on the way you live your life, your health, and the type of policy you choose. Many factors come together to create life insurance rates in Tennessee, and it’s not possible to guess what that could be. A basic life insurance calculator may give you some information, but our smart matching algorithm takes the guesswork out of the process. Learn how to get the best rates for life insurance in Tennessee by following a few key tips.

Life Insurance Companies in Tennessee

There are over 280 life insurance companies in Tennessee. That’s plenty of options to choose from, but remember that most of those companies and plans are not easily available or readily searchable online. To get them – which are often the ones offering the best prices – you need to know how to compare policies. That is something we can help you with using our smart wizard.


Also, important is that life insurance companies in Tennessee do not always provide you with a lot of insight into what factors reduce or increase your rate. For many people, that makes it hard for you to know what to expect – and even more important to compare all of your options. For example, some of the best prices for life insurance come from companies that offer reduced costs to married couples. In Tennessee, 52 percent of the population could save some money on life insurance if they knew this was an option.

How to Get the Best Rates for Life Insurance in Tennessee


With so many options, it is important to do your research. You can do so by requesting a quote from every company, but with hundreds of options, that does not seem logical. Some life insurance agents will do their best to determine options for you, but they do not have any obligation to offer you the lowest rates. With Pretected.com, we’ve created a new tool. You provide your zip code and basic information, and our smart matching algorithm applies that information to all of the available policies in your area. You get an unbiased look at every option available to you and none that don’t meet your needs.


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How Are Life Insurance Rates Calculated in Tennessee?

Life insurance companies need to know what factors put you at risk for an early death. They base your cost on those risks – if risks are present, that will increase your costs more so than if they are not. They use data from others and previous claims to determine this. Some of the information they use includes the following.


In Tennessee, 13.6 percent of the population – the largest age group – is between 45 and 54. Buying at this late in life is going to cost you significantly. However, 13.3 percent are in the age group of 25 to 34, which really is a prime time to buy for the lowest costs.


Being female can help you save money on life insurance, too. That’s because data shows a woman’s expected lifespan is usually longer than a man’s. In Tennessee, 51.24 percent of the population is female.

Weight and Health Background

Insurers know that the biggest risks to your life span include your health risk factors and any conditions you’ve been diagnosed with, and that’s why this is one of the biggest factors in determining the cost. In 2017, 32.8 percent of residents in Tennessee were considered obese, and 13.1 had diabetes, high risk factors compared to the rest of the country.

Job and Profession

Your profession can put you at risk for early death, too. The biggest high-risk industries in Tennessee include mining, transportation, and agriculture. Some manufacturing exists here, too.


Lifestyle choices, such as using drugs, alcohol, or tobacco also raises your costs. In 2016, for example, out of every 100,00 deaths, 11.1 people died in some type of alcohol-related way, and 26.2 died as a result of drug use.

Criminal Record

If you have a history of violence, including a criminal record, then that may mean you are at a high risk. Insurance companies may still offer a plan, but it may be expensive.

Life Insurance Policy in Tennessee  - Compare the Best Plans

Take the time to really learn about life insurance policies as they all work a bit differently. In Tennessee, these are the most common options.

Term Life Insurance

Term life stays in place for a set number of years. Afterward, you can choose to renew at new rates. It pays a death benefit to a named beneficiary only if you die while the policy remains in place.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life, also known as permanent life insurance, stays in place as long as you continue to make payments. It’s an excellent tool for estate planning, such as if you want to pass on money to your heirs.

Universal Life Insurance

With universal life, you also gain the benefit of having an investment that can pay you a set amount of money if the underlying investments grow in value.

Family Life Insurance

A family life insurance plan is one that offers coverage for more than one person living in the same home, usually for spouses to use to maintain life insurance together.

Group Life Insurance

Your employer may offer this. Or, you may be able to purchase it through your professional associations. It offers lower costing but usually lower coverage limits on policies.

Life Insurance for Kids

Buying a life insurance policy for a child is a good option because it is a low-cost way to prevent financial devastation if your child dies. It may not be something you want to think about, but it can be very valuable.


With our smart matching algorithm, we take all the guesswork out of buying life insurance. It’s easy to use. Enter your zip code and some basic information, and it will pull up a list of all of your options with a few simple steps.


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